2020 Clearer Vision (Dreams, Foresight, and Revelation)

We have entered into the year 2020. Not just a new year but a new decade. I believe and expect this year will be marked by opportunities. The number 20 symbolizes expectancy.
Vision also means to dream, foresight and revelation. A vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal. Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life. It is always fun to create vision boards where you can Identify your vision and give it clarity. Perhaps you can gather with a few family members and or friends and turn it into a vision board party.
Dream is defined as the thought of series of thoughts of a person in sleep. It also means to have ideas or images in the mind, daydreaming. With the busyness of life, we often forget to dream. I remember as a child, I would spend much time looking up into the beautiful blue sky and allowing my imagination to take me to places I have yet to visit.  Rather you are sleep or awake, give yourself permission to dream BIG.
Foresight is defined as foreknowledge or the act of foreseeing. Revelation is defined as the act of disclosing or discovering to others what was before unknown to them. Be cutting edge by staying awake, alert and aware. Refuse to allow discouragement to take you off course.  This year will bring definition to your hopes and dreams. 
If you need help for clearer vision, HCS would be delighted to coach you into a plan that will assist you in living out your dreams victoriously.  Send an email or set up an appoint for a free consultation.


In this new decade do something great!